so last week i had a project called las vegas high up,
these are some of my results.
it was a cool task; climbing hills, going to tall buildings, jumping overpass barriers, peeking through fences, and getting kicked out of parking garages by rent-a-cops, i had a great time. the shots were very cool with angles we don't often see... these intrigue me. thus, it was a beautiful shoot. i mean how many days are we hundreds of feet off the ground?
having said that, i think i'm supposed to be on the ground. you know, its great sticking your head off a huge skyscraper, or shoving your camera through a break in the fence, but for me it was simply overwhelming.
how do i show intricacy when the whole city is before me?
i find it hard to see smallness when surrounded by bigness.
how do i get down in the dirt when i'm so far from it?
i felt caged "in" and "up."
i find in life i get the same way when i cry out to God: what's next, where am i going, what do i do? and then he shows me a little portion and i'm so overwhelmed that i miss the splendor of today. likewise i desire to be covered "dirty" in my work, but being far from what i love it's just not possible. do you ever get that way, does that happen to you? i feel like sometimes i "miss the the forest for the tree," and as life happens all around me i get selfish and long to be in the sky far from the ground, and there, because of me, i miss the joy of life.
heres my question,
what are you doing right now that you're good at, but not passionate about?
i've been trying to answer that lately and it keeps unwrapping more questions. thus i have come up with a great answer,
"enjoy the trees"
i cant see my way out, i dont know whats next, but i can climb and explore and rest here, in the trees.
so i've come to see that i love the ground it blessed me, and makes me feel at home.
so in turn i would like to share a list, of 5 things about the ground i love.
here we go:
1)trees (especially ones that are great for climbing)
2)puddles (i wish vegas had more)
3)sidewalks chalk (we're never thankful we have roads for our feet, and we can paint them)
4)TOMS (awesome shoes you should by some)
5)dirt (it is just fulfilling to be filthy from a day of hard work, made possible only by dirt)
so all that to say, the ground rocks(no pun intended). i mean i love flying, bridges, and even really tall climbing trees, but the ground is my fav so i'm gonna start trying to be thankful for the ground that i love but often forget about.
see ya soon