Wednesday, August 26, 2009

journey to a unknown course

im back home for almost a month now and i dont yet know to the full extent what ive seen an heard and felt but i do know ive been changed. by the western standard im not sure my change is for the better, but i know that i have seen a clearer picture of who Jesus is and therefore i can not be the same i as once was.

the world is big and beautiful and God is found in all of it. i have seen Him in tent meeting and tattoo shops, boat rides across africa and bar tenders in las vegas, in the faces of missionaries and misfits, it rings so true of what peter say in John6 "where can we go from Your spirit? You alone have words that bring eternal life." i have seen and driank deep in eternal life! and just as many times ive pushed away from that table and drank shallow in what i thought was better! my sad attempts at self-preservation result in neglecting the beauty set before me!
how can we judge a days worth until we have seen the end of it? i think i find myself more times than not seeing the bad in mess im in, and completely over lookin the kingdom God is creatin here in the midst of our lives, its dirty/messy/sloppy/glorious!
i feel God is doing something in new in me an overhaul/transformation/reshaping. right now i feel the eagerness/angst like seein a empty canvas, or a brand new photo site, but i sense life is changin directions my exit is comin close, with every turn of the wheel my heart shifts. what if today is the day we look back and see that we got off I-15 and hit I-70 and now we arent far from where we are but our corse is drastically different? what if today, why not today, what if us, why not us!
in my experience ive had many more "still small voice" times than "fire/light/earthquake times", our road sign may not be huge with flashy lights, but i also trust that it will be just small and insignificant to never be missed. life is comin its here fight and laugh and cry, get ready change is near to us keep both hands on the wheel. open your eyes there is a glorious messy heaven that you can live in right now.
only at the end of a day can we judge its worth!
thanks billy
see ya soon