Tuesday, January 13, 2009

all you need is....... love?

can i love?
i hear about love.
i read about love.
i watch tv and movies based all around love.
and i mean who doesn't "love" a good love song

it seems the world i live in is all about love. some dying to find it, others doing everything possible to avoid it.
where do i fit in how do i love?
can i love?

i have tried to pray lately that God would teach me to love his word like the psalmist wrote:

I deeply love your Law!
I think about it all day.  
 -Psalms 119:97

how do i love like that, can i love? how do i move pass reading and understanding to actually loving the Words of God. has American Christianity taught me its ok to simply visit and enjoy God from time to time, but not to take rest and live in constant fellowship with the Light? have i bought into the lie that living a life where im drowning in the matchless love of Jesus isnt possible, that constant walking with Jesus is out of reach?
i believe that the bible is absolute truth, and that even though i struggle to live it out, its instruction is unwavering. 

i find it hard to slow down enough to enjoy all that life has for me, and that scares me to death. as i look at the life of Jesus i see that He did not seem rushed. leadership requires relationships, relationships require time, time requires slow paced presence. 
i pray that i will slow down and drown in Jesus, i pray that God will teach me to LOVE His Word.

i can love.....can you love......

1 comment:

Jake said...

I love you, Micah. In a real manly kind of way of course.

great post.