Thursday, April 23, 2009

LA love

so as i type i'm one block off hollywood blvd and right across the street from the famous Knickerbocker hotel, once home to hollywoods who's who, capital records is in my view and the spirit of art surrounds is very present. but people aren't smiling. i'm overwhelmed by my surroundings, by the history but the people don't realize it, or maybe are simply over looking it.

my heart this morning as i was talking with God, i was almost in tears. i was reminded that my of the story that im a part of.... and that daily i don't smile about or realize or overlook. have i forgotten that my Jesus is bigger than hollywood? once wrote so beautifully the prayer that my heart sang this morning

Terry Macalmon
once wrote so beautifully the prayer that my heart sang this morning.
"Jesus, YOU are great,
you do miracles so great,
there is no one like you,
there is no one else like you"
smile and remember and soak up Jesus today.

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