Thursday, June 25, 2009


day 1 & 2 are now in the books and wow it has been incredible/breathe taking/terrifying. i have seen children intrenched in poverty, but overwhelmed by happiness; i've seen special needs kids in great need, but with smiles like the sunrise; and today my heart more than broke at the sight of bloodstained hospital hallways. i've never seen anything like this, our Jesus is alive and well and He is moving here. even in a place like Vegas where God is workin in big and miraculous ways things are different in Africa, Jesus is alive in peoples faces and He is moving in their hearts!

day 1 was incredible we got to pray with 800+ students, teachers, police, prisoners, orphans, pastors, and countless others. we've been able share at many schools in our 2 days and on day 1 i was given the chance to talk to about 50 high school kids, i spoke from john 4 & 5 a lame man i need of healing and the woman at the well. both in desperate need of life, but both not realizing who they were standing with. the man answering Jesus' offer for help with i can't, and the woman said You have nothing to draw with. Jesus stands in from of them... and us saying do you want rescue, while we just set in our junk/sin/death, sayin "Jesus You cant" and then i was able to share that Jesus still wants to free us/ heal us/ restore us. it was incredible as may students responded to the chance for rescue.

day 2 was equally amazing we had opportunity visit to a hospital. we were able to encourage the staff, people that see death and brokenness everyday, we shared that Gods story is one of brokenness being restored. then we went to pray with patients , our hearts wept as we cried out for Gods favor and healing. my faith has never been tested like that i found myself praying over and over like Peter "God i believe but help me with my unbelief"

i have been praying that God would unite my heart with the people here, even when i dont understand their language. tonight at a service i felt that God began that process in me as my "mfooth" (aka brother) Rogers taught completely in Zulu but i felt strangely connected. it is blowin my mind to see God at work and His kingdom expanding all over the world.

friends, God is alive and at work, join Him where You are! join His restoration and bring new life. You are in my prayers!

see ya soon


LayneT said...

Hey Micah!
I am so excited to hear all that God is doing in your life so far on this trip! it is such an absolute blessing! You and the rest of the team are in my prayers!

Anonymous said...

Dude- I am jealous. Great post. Making me proud. Keep the posts coming.