Monday, October 26, 2009

what if

last week i was talkin to one of my instructors, her name is Heather Protz and she is an incredible artist, i was expressing to her my lack of inspiration as of late. dont get me wrong its not that i don't love grabbing my camera and goin out to shoot, or putting images together, or making prints or my work, or anything else that goes along with my art. its not even that i feel that my art just sucks. i simply feel uninspired.
webster defines uninspired as - Having no intellectual, emotional, or spiritual excitement. i am not depressed or upset, i am just not excited! really i feel utterly normal, and i dont do well with normal. i feel mundane and unsure how to get out of my apparent funk?
as i shared these thoughts with heather, without hesitation she said
"micah art isnt always about inspiration lots of times its about just doing it."
wow that hit me like a semi! who could have thought it was that easy. who could have imagined that i simple can press forward and create? i mean really why must i be on some whimsical high to produce great art? i think in your life and in mine if we waited around till we were i some state of magical euphoric thought to live and create there would be alot less change and beauty taking place and much more self loathing(which might explain why we wear black some days)! but for me many times i sit on my butt and wait for some lighting bolt of innovation to hit me in the face.
its like that in my art in my life and in my walk with God. i feel as if i sit around and wait on someone else to move then i can do my best to ride their wave/to be their partner in the race/a game of leap frog. but what if instead i decided that the only thing between me and great art is my willingness to go. the only thing stopping me from knowing and loving Jesus more is me. the only thing that stops me for living life with all ive got is myself!
what if today we picked up or tools(camera, brush, song, pen, computer, guitar) and started living a life worth talkin about? what if we quit living in stories that are small and insignificant, and started to experience BIG life changing stories? what if we stop waitin on heavenly bombs of creation, and instead got off our couches and started being a part of the beauty that ever surrounds us!
what if right now we reaized that we need not wait on catalyst for you and i have in deepest parts have be given the essence of inspiration!


see ya soon

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